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Manage your organic waste from your desk with this simple technology

FABCOM® is designed to bridge the gap between low operational cost and high environmental performance in the processing of all types of organic waste into compost. The technology is the obvious choice for Regional Shires, Councils and Cities who need a simple solution to control and manage their organic waste with the minimum of physical onsight interaction.
The FABCOM® Technology was invented in Australia and internationally patented by Dr Harrie Hofstede, and is the product of almost 20 years of scientific research and Development.
FABCOM® was designed to bridge the gap between low operational cost and high environmental performance in the processing of all types of organic waste into compost.

The FABCOM® benefits:

Modular; expandable Aerobic Cells

Fully remote process controlled

Fully enclosed

Complete odour emission control

Compact design, Efficient & Effective

Part solar powered

Remote Access Aeration System (RAAS)

Control Organics Plant from your office

No Leachate & No Odour problems

Suitable organic waste:

Greasetrap waste

Poultry litter / mortality

Biosolids & FOGO

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Plant Capacity

1,000 – 100,000 tonnes per annum.
Footprint/Capacity ratio is 10, ie.
1000m2 can process 10,000m3

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Cost Effective

Depending on capacity, organic waste processing into compost cost net $30 - $40/tonne and includes capital and operational expenditure and compost sale offset.

FABCOM® Piccolo controlledcomposting system.

FABCOM® Piccolo controlledcomposting system.

FABCOM® wireless stainless Temperature probes.

FABCOM® wireless stainless Temperature probes.

FABCOM® data and radio communication tower.

FABCOM® data and radio communication tower.

Screen shot of remote process control showing Temperature, Oxygen recycled air valve position and air flow rate.

Screen shot of remote process control showing Temperature, Oxygen recycled air valve position and air flow rate.

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FABCOM® Customers

The technology is most suitable and the obvious choice for Regional Shires, Councils and Cities. Regional centres often manage solid and liquid waste and the FABCOM® technology can effectively process food/green waste, liquid waste, manures and biosolids. The technology is compact and has very effective odour and process control to produce good quality compost products that can comply with the Australian Standard.

The technology is most suitable and the obvious choice for Regional Shires, Councils and Cities for processing FOGO, liquid waste and biosolids. The technology can effectively process these waste streams without the need for specialised process knowledge as the FABPro® software does the thinking for you.

The technology is also applied to livestock waste streams, food processing waste, biosolids, greasetrap waste. The technology is compact and has very effective odour and process control to produce good quality compost products that can comply with the FABCOM® Piccolo controlled Australian Standard.

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Spartel designed and build an entrée level FABCOM® Piccolo composting plant for Bunbury – Harvey Regional Council for composting of FOGO waste.

The FABCOM® Piccolo system is suitable for cost effective FOGO composting.

FABCOM® Enclosed Windrow On Site Biosolids/Green Waste Composting Plant

Find out how we can help

Contact us today to learn more about FABCOM® technology and how it can work for you

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